Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Most Important Call.

It seems that many of you out there won't call me until you have a major break down. Now I am not unlike you in that I would probably put off calling me until then too. But this is your encouragement to call me about your air conditioner before that major break down. We can work in a service call and clean and check and charge (if needed) very quickly and have you set for the season. All it takes is a call. If you mention that you read about this on my blog, I am offering a $49.00 discount. That is a great deal and makes it worth reading this from time to time. I also offer some of the best deals going. Preferred Client Club memberships. Basically this is what I call my service agreements. Rather than bore you with the details, you can go to my website and read about all of the benefits of being a Preferred Client Club member. This is a very good deal. Check it out.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Random Thoughts.

This post does not really fit my profile per se but I am going to post it anyway. Being in business for yourself can sometimes be very disheartening. Especially in times like these when the government is dishing out bad judgement call after bad judgement call. But what can we do?
I know that the only way to stay the course and win is to keep your head up and dig in. This is what all of the inspiring Americans do. They don't throw their hands up and quit. We can make it if we continue to fight. Life is not easy. I have concluded that long before all of the economic downturns. But allowing discouragement, has no place in a sucessful person's head. Push forward and create. Think new thoughts. Ask different questions. Never loose hope. I know that this post is really about a pep talk to myself. I hope that if you are reading this maybe in some way it will help you too. When I listen, God always inspires me. He has never told me to lay down and play dead. He is my glory and the lifter of my head. He speaks in the most encouraging ways. At times when I am trying to sit down like a donkey, He is always out in front pulling- no yanking the rope and calling me to get up and move forward. Forward motion seems to be the prefered direction. Why does sitting down and staying where you are always seem like a good idea at first?
These are just my random thoughts and if you are reading them, then you must not have much else to do. Thanks for listening to me blather on and on.